Mobile Personal Emergency Alarms – How They Can Help (Directors Speech to Staff)
I mentioned in the last newsletter that I had an interesting call a few weeks ago from a lady named Carmen. Carmen was the lady that fell and was caught between the toilet and her bath for 10 days. She told me that she was unable to move that whole time as she didn’t know it at the time but she’d broken her hip and survived because she had a washer that she would dab into a leak coming onto the floor and she’d drink by sucking on the washer. During those 10 days Carmen told me she had no where to go to the toilet and was in terrible pain. As we talked more, she told me that she decided to try and “hold on” as long as she could and tried to think of her memories of her kids and her husband. Carmen’s husband had passed a long time ago and her adult kids were spread out all over the place, and she knew that there were no planned visits from friends or family coming up. So as you can no doubt see, she was in a terrible position. She thought that her time was up. But the craziest thing happened. She said her son, who hardly ever just showed up, tried to knock on the door but had no answer. So they tried and tried to call her until eventually the son and daughters were all at the house and managed to get in. The door to the bathroom where Carmen was was closed and they could hear her groaning. Carmen heard her daughters say they were too scared to open the door and look inside. But they did, and Carmen was rescued and spent a good chunk of time rehabilitating in hospital.
Of course, the reason Carmen called was because now she was out of hospital she wasn’t going to let this happen to her again, so she organised one of the Live Life mobile personal emergency alarms.
Why am I telling you this story you may wonder, when we’re here to celebrate? Well the reason is because even though 1000’s of people like Carmen, who don’t have a personal alarm aren’t being rescued after falling, we’ve saved 1000’s of people from the same situation she found herself in. And that’s a great honour and a huge privilege for all of us here. It’s a reason to celebrate. We all know that our mobile personal emergency alarm is a great product that produces amazing benefits for our customers and their families but it’s due to your hard work and excellence in everything you do that the word is spreading about Live Life Alarms. Without excellence in sales, fulfillment would have nothing to do. Without great customer and technical support and fast fulfillment our reputation would suffer and sales wouldn’t have as much to do. So Live Life Alarms is bigger than each of us. It’s only when we work together as a team that we can achieve our goals. I know sometimes it can feel like “maybe my job isn’t as important” but you should remember that we only hire people we find useful, so you must be critical to our success.
Remember, if you try to do everything for everybody rather than doing something for somebody then you end up doing nothing for nobody. I think this means that if we do what we can as well as we can then that’s good enough.
We are all very proud of where we’ve come as a company and we’re proud of the input that each and everyone of you brings to this Company. Leave here today knowing that you personally have had a critical role to play in improving peace of mind and saving the lives of our customers. What you’re involved in is an awesome responsibility and a great privilege. And we’re very grateful.